Monday, November 1, 2010

Nature Field Trip

I want to Lake Bonny Park and stayed there for a full 45 minutes.

Today as part of our Nature Poem unit in Intro to Lit. we had to go a nature preserve. Going to the preserve brought back many memories of when my mom and I would go to the park and walk the nature boardwalk. So as my walk down memory lane began so did my walk around the preserve. the preserve is part of a park and is right off the road, so I was surprised when everything got quite. Not eerily quite, but that type of quietness  where you can hear yourself think and you start to focus in on the little things about your surroundings. Like the first thing I noticed was how majestic looking the trees were. As I walked deeper it didn't look like I was in Lakeland anymore, and I began to think what if we didn't become such a technologically dependent society, how much different life would be. I began to even wonder if todays world would even survive without tech stuff. As I continued on i ran into a rabbit and watched it run off in a hurry and went on this board walk that overlooked the lake. Thats was when I saw all this junk thrown everywhere, from a frozen chicken container to an old milk carton. Seeing this I thought of a group discussion I had with two of my classmates on earth day in English Composition class last semester. My classmate was all into finding new ways to help clean up the planet, limit waste, and other stuff that I can't remember at the moment. If she saw what I did she would be disappointed. I believe that as humans we have a duty to take care of what God has blessed us with. Some Christians may say that since Jesus will come back and that there will be a new heaven and new earth that taking of the earth would just a waste of time. I would like to submit to you that would be ignorance on their part, just read the parable of the talents. I'm pretty sure that God won't call a "lazy servant" and send us to the place where there will a gnashing of teeth, but chance to witness to someone just by being aware of what we could do better at taking care of what God has given us would be lost.


  1. We should definitely take care of this planet.

    This is me being honest: when I see someone being slobby with like their dorm room, I'm like "whoa, they're messy." I think the same should be said for people who aren't trying to clean up around the earth.

  2. Yes I defiantly agree that its good to take care of the planet around us. I think that we almost serving the Lord by doing so.

  3. That's a good point, Sterling. =~)
    I agree. It is a service to the Lord, isn't it?

  4. Parable of the talents... a good point to take from this is; God will take from the bad stewards and give it to the good stewards. I think this can apply to all aspects of life. If you take care of yourself and things around you, God will bless you with more.

  5. That's a good point, Isaac. Perhaps things on our planet would be going a little better if we did a little better with it...
