Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Are You A House Of Cards

In my Intro to Lit class we were given cards and told to make house of cards. After some time my group succeeded and made a ugly house. but it quickly fell down and back to work we went again trying build it again. after we realized that it was going to be futile to be able to build house that would stand stand on its own so we would blow on the the house and it would crumple down. After this we had a class discussion about metaphor that kept appearing the book A Grief Observed. Throughout the book the author keeps describing his faith as a house of cards. the author has lost his wife and questioning his faith in God. And through the process comes to this conclusion "God has been trying an experiment on my faith or love in order to find out their quality. He knew it already. It was I who didn't....He always knew that my temple was a house of cards. His only way of making me realize the fact was to knock it down". Ever had one those welcome back to reality moments in your life? How many of you have ever been through some kind trial or trouble? Ever thought questioned God? How many times have we thought that God is this or God is that, and then in dramatic fashion we discover that we turned out to gravely mistaken? Ever thought about walking away from God? I would like to submit to you that your house of cards had no foundation. your foundation was based on something misconceived and therefore fell apart in the wind. I am not saying that there is a perfect to get through any trial or offer any type Faith 101 type thing. but as long as we base our foundation on the fact that God, who created everything we know, who loves us,who knows whats going to happen years before we know we will, sent His son, to die for us, for the hope of a life everlasting with Him, the foundation is strong, and when the winds blow instead of everything crumpling down, our foundation is rooted and strong. For we don't need something that resembles Christ, we need the real Christ. So, is your faith a house of cards?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with our foundations being rooted firmly when our house of cards fall down. I feel as if God gives us situations according to where we are in our walk with him. Some people crumble though when something comes up and they have a choice to either follow the righteous way or their own way.
