Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What is this word we call love?

Love is one of those words whose meaning always seems to be muddled in every way. we all have our own definition of love that we love to stand by. we get it from an experience we had or from reading a from favorite romance movie or fairy tale or even from the dictionary and from the Bible. we could go on and on and on about what the true meaning of love is and that for another time and place. however i would like to ask what is love and how can can love be shown? i ask this question because i recently read a narrative on this very subject. there are four characters in the story and they were all at a table sharing a bottle gin (not the best drink to have when about to have a serious a conversation but it'll do). what got them started on the conversation of love was when one the characters started talking about her abusive ex-husband. he expressed his love through hitting her. now we all say that there there is no possible way that he could have shown his love by beating her. that would be true if he struck her for no reason. yet he kept saying that he loved her when he hit her. he loved her so munch that when he found out that she ran off with another man he ended up killing himself. what is the farthest that you will go to show that special someone that love them? will it be chasing them where ever they may go? following them everywhere? constant communication with them? sending them flowers all the time? now think about how far some will go for you to see that they love you. if they did the craziest thing you can think of could you love them? think about it for a while


  1. So I really liked your topic on how far could someone go and would you still love them. And ever since we talked in class about the terri and ed situation, I have been thinking about it and doing research to see if I could understand. Still I think that Ed wanted control in the relationship and many people know that in life people want to be desired. Especially girls! I feel Ed said I love you while beating her bc he knew it would make her feel wanted while he still had control. And when terri did leave he lost his control, and then went nuts and killed himself. So to answer your question I don’t know how much crazy I could take from a person who is trying to show me how much they love me. It is sort of like do unto others as you would want to be treated, so if someone hit me or did something crazy I wouldn’t think that person really does care for me. I feel that if they did love they would respect me.

  2. I agree with everything you said, but I don't believe for a second that Ed beating his wife was a form of showing love. In my humble opinion, that was him using his strength and power of the word "love" to satisfy his desires. If you think otherwise that is perfectly fine and we can agree to disagree, just wanted to give my opinion. Great post though, you asked some good questions to get me thinking!

  3. Chris,
    I really liked how you said that we all have our own definition love. It almost seems like over the years we learn what love truly is. One of you main points that you said was experience. It Think this is on point because we wont really know what love is till we feel it. I think this blog was really good. Thank for that Chris

  4. Perhaps he DID love her and just had very warped and twisted ideas on how to display his love. Maybe he never had anyone teach him how it is one identifies his or her love.

    Just a "What if" that might make Mr. Bellaflores's point plausible. =~)
